I'm working while treating Japkasai to many people and giving lessons to many people. Originally it has been active as a treatment method of Thai traditional medicine, but recently I feel that the number of inquiries about this Japkasai has increased. As a matter of fact, it seems to be a popular secret that you can realize the remarkable results. Japkasai is said to be effective in relieving back pain and enhancing male hormones, and I have received many such words of gratitude from the customers I was in charge of. Since it is not a sexual custom, you will not touch the penis. If you are interested, you can rest assured that we will cover it with a towelette. I am mainly active in TTMA official salons in Tokyo, Fujisawa, and Kamakura, so if you would like, I would love to visit you.
TTMA Certificated Japkasai Therapist MANA


You can receive the treatment at the displayed salon.
(Kamakura/Kanagawa) (Fujisawa/Kanagawa) (Daikanyama/Tokyo)
  If you receive Japkasai from MANA
For inquiries, please contact TTMA Salon Information
Portal site [Understanding Japkasai]
NPO Traditional Thai Massage Association Japan(TTMA)
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