Conditions for starting a Japkasai business
◆Conditions for starting a Japkasai business

When you start a new business, you have anxiety. Will it work? What should I do if I fail? ... There are various ways to do it. Some people are good at attracting customers on Twitter and HPf. However, there are people who are constantly visiting customers just by word of mouth, even though they are not advertising. It's probably because I love our customers, and their kind feelings are reflected in their words, actions, and a little consideration. The heart is always transmitted. The only condition for starting this business is "gentle feelings". You can also see "I want money! I want money!" But if you want money, do your best to make someone happy. Then you will end up with money. You should be able to get not only money, but also connections, trust, and happiness. You can be clumsy. It's about helping someone hard, saving someone, and making someone happy.


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