Home delivery lesson to learn Japkasai at your home
Home delivery lesson to learn Japkasai at your home

Japkasai can now be learned at your home. This is a delivery lesson newly started at TTMA's official school NBS (The Nuad Boran School Japan). The instructor will visit you on a business trip, so you can learn the skills of Japkasai while you are at home. It's one-on-one, so it's easy to ask questions, and you can check as many times as you don't understand. In short, you definitely have the skills. This service is for people who are too busy to take time, but please note that you will be charged an additional business trip charge. Japkasai Senka lessons are 12 hours (4times of 3hours lessons), so 2 days for intensive special training. Jumping lessons are possible, but the business trip charge will be higher accordingly. It is recommended that you get the qualification together. You can start your activities freelance right away. For on-site lessons to learn Japkasai at home, we will adjust the time while the instructor in charge is limited, so we will consult with you regarding the schedule.

Home delivery lesson to learn Japkasai at your home

Portal site [Understanding Japkasai]
NPO Traditional Thai Massage Association Japan(TTMA)
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