Japkasai is a social contribution business
Japkasai is a social contribution business

Practicing Japkasai is a role to invigorate men. When men get well, women get well. The birth rate in Japan may also increase. The slowdown in Japan's GDP will also stop, and we may be able to expect a bright future. There are still many misunderstandings about Japkasai, but I feel that there are many wonderful people who are responsible for Japanese society as customers. It is unlikely that someone who is not blessed with a partner and stays at home all the time will come. Many of you are aware that getting healthy after receiving Japkasai is about taking care of your partner and making the people around you happy. There are many people who are worried, but there are many people who are worried about what to do if they are attacked, or if they are worried that it may be dangerous, but if the purpose is the purpose, the sex shop is more reasonable. Many of the people who come to receive Japkasai are gentlemen, and I have never felt any danger. I face Japkasai every day, thinking that efforts to help people in need will benefit the world and everyone. Thanks to you, the demand is as good as my own business. As a therapist, I have always kept in mind that I will open my own business, but thanks to Japkasai, I was able to realize that dream. However, it is not possible to meet all the needs of our customers with just a few Japkasai therapists, so I myself support the efforts of those who have a heart.


ポータルサイト 【よくわかるジャップカサイ】
特定非営利活動法人 日本トラディショナルタイマッサージ協会(TTMA)
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